Versions tested: 1.0.3, 2.0.0, 2.1.5, 2.2.0, 2.2.5, 2.3.0, 2.4.5
Optimal parameters: -m3 -b26
Authors: Ilya Grebnov
Algorithms: LZP,BWT/ST+QLFC+CM
Notable peformances: Database1, Medical1, Medical2, PGN1, Qualifying2, Source1, Text1, Text2


bsc is a high performance file compressor based on lossless, block-sorting data compression algorithms.

author's description

  The program usage:

-b size Block size in megabytes, default: -b25 minimum: -b1, maximum: -b1024
-m algo Block sorting algorithm, default: -m3
-m0 Sort Transform of order 3
-m1 Sort Transform of order 4
-m2 Sort Transform of order 5
-m3 Burrows Wheeler Transform
-c ctx Contexts for sorting, default: -cf
-cf Following contexts
-cp Preceding contexts
-ca Autodetect (experimental)
-H size LZP hash table size in bits, default: -H16 minimum: -H10, maximum: -H28
-M size LZP minimum match length, default: -M128 minimum: -M4, maximum: -M255
-f Enable fast compression mode, default: disable
-l Enable LZP, default: enable
-r Enable Reordering, default: disable
-s Enable Segmentation, default: disable
-p Disable all preprocessing techniques
-t Disable parallel blocks processing, default: enable
-T Disable multi-core systems support, default: enable

bsc 2.2.5 program help


Version 1.0.3 was submitted on April 10, 2010.

Version 2.0.0 was submitted on May 3, 2010.

Version 2.1.5 was submitted on June 2, 2010. Multi-core optimizations.

Version 2.2.0 was submitted on June 15, 2010. Multi-core optimizations for reverse BWT and forward ST algorithms.

Version 2.2.5 was submitted on July 6, 2010 with 14 configurations. Multi-core optimizations for segmentation algorithm.

Version 2.3.0 was submitted on August 18, 2010.

Version 2.4.5 was submitted on January 7, 2011. Improved performance of reverse BWT and ST algorithms.

The program utilizes libdivsufsort by Yuta Mori.

The compressor is featured in the BWT comparison.

(Have info that should be added here? E-mail.)

We use '-t' -switch with decompression only for configurations with '-t' switch. For 2.2.0 and later we use the size of lzma(source) for decompressor size.

Qualified configurations
Ver Rating CPR DPR S.E. R.E. Ratio C. kB/s D. kB/s
-b1 -m0f -pr
2.2.5 116 195 20 360 1 3.098 32753 39980
2.3.0 121 +4.3% +8.2% 0% +4.7% 3.098 0% 35548 +8.5% 40073 +0.2%
2.4.5 122 +0.8% 0% 0% +0.5% 3.098 0% 35585 +0.1% 40395 +0.8%
-b1 -m1f -p (-b1p -m1f)
2.1.5 111 210 16 371 1 3.071 39249 37412
2.2.0 111 0% +0.5% 0% 0% 3.071 0% 39317 +0.2% 37210 -0.5%
2.2.5 111 0% -0.9% +6.2% 0% 3.071 0% 39130 -0.5% 37494 +0.8%
2.3.0 117 +5.4% +11% 0% +5.4% 3.071 0% 43304 +11% 37775 +0.7%
2.4.5 117 0% 0% 0% +0.3% 3.071 0% 43376 +0.2% 37858 +0.2%
-b110t -m1f -p (-b110t -p -m1f)
2.0.0 73 232 8 157 1 3.246 22745 9463
2.1.5 77 +5.5% +9.9% +5.1% 3.246 0% 25034 +10% 9782 +3.4%
2.2.0 81 +5.2% +17% +4.2% 3.247 +0% 29260 +17% 9800 +0.2%
2.2.5 82 +1.2% -0.3% +1.2% 3.247 0% 29189 -0.2% 9943 +1.5%
2.3.0 84 +2.4% +10% +2.9% 3.247 0% 32192 +10% 9949 +0%
2.4.5 94 +12% -0.3% + +12% 3.247 0% 32132 -0.2% 11610 +17%
-b110t -m2f -p (-b110t -p -m2f)
2.0.0 71 169 9 133 1 3.302 13702 8737
2.1.5 74 +4.2% +5.9% +3.8% 3.302 0% 14507 +5.9% 9020 +3.2%
2.2.0 81 +9.5% +27% +9.4% + 3.303 +0% 18371 +27% 9037 +0.2%
2.2.5 81 0% -0.4% +0.7% 3.303 0% 18265 -0.6% 9139 +1.1%
2.3.0 83 +2.5% +6.2% +2.0% 3.303 0% 19408 +6.3% 9142 +0%
2.4.5 91 +9.6% 0% + +9.7% 3.303 0% 19403 -0% 10537 +15%
-b110t -m3 -p (-b110t -p -m3, -pt -m3 -b110)
1.0.3 55 97 8 74 2 3.441 5027 5495
2.0.0 83 +51% +53% +62% +51% + 3.445 +0.1% 7582 +51% 8176 +49%
2.1.5 88 +6.0% +6.8% + +6.2% 3.445 0% 8068 +6.4% 8692 +6.3%
2.2.0 114 +30% 0% +86% +29% + 3.446 +0% 8062 -0% 16219 +87%
2.2.5 116 +1.8% +1.3% +3.8% +1.3% 3.446 0% 8177 +1.4% 16339 +0.7%
2.3.0 117 +0.9% +2.5% 0% +1.3% 3.446 0% 8373 +2.4% 16339 0%
2.4.5 121 +3.4% 0% +11% +3.8% 3.446 0% 8382 +0.1% 18111 +11%
-b110t -m3 -pl
2.2.5 142 195 34 174 6 3.490 8707 17935
2.3.0 145 +2.1% +2.6% 0% +1.7% 3.490 0% 8930 +2.6% 17932 -0%
2.4.5 147 +1.4% 0% +2.9% +1.7% 3.490 0% 8936 +0% 18726 +4.4%
-b110t -m3 -psrl (-b110t -m3)
2.0.0 116 197 19 136 5 3.513 8214 9771
2.1.5 122 +5.2% +5.1% +5.3% +5.1% + 3.513 0% 8629 +5.1% 10308 +5.5%
2.2.0 141 +16% -6.8% +65% +21% 3.490 -0.7% 8612 -0.2% 17761 +72%
2.2.5 167 +18% +14% +30% -1.7% +67% 3.579 +2.6% 7564 -12% 17537 -1.3%
2.3.0 172 +3.0% +3.6% 0% +2.4% 3.581 +0% 7765 +2.7% 17715 +1.0%
2.4.5 174 +1.2% 0% +7.0% +1.7% 3.581 0% 7767 +0% 18541 +4.7%
-b110t -m3f -p (-b110t -p -m3f)
2.2.0 115 154 29 167 4 3.412 8731 19625
2.2.5 116 +0.9% +1.3% 0% +1.2% 3.412 0% 8828 +1.1% 19665 +0.2%
2.3.0 118 +1.7% +2.6% 0% +1.8% 3.412 0% 9062 +2.7% 19578 -0.4%
2.4.5 123 +4.2% 0% +10% +3.5% 3.412 0% 9070 +0% 22068 +13%
-b25 -m1f -p (-p -m1f)
2.0.0 126 275 17 313 2 3.184 33756 24618
2.1.5 132 +4.8% +7.3% 0% +4.8% 3.184 0% 36210 +7.3% 25338 +2.9%
2.2.0 132 0% +0.7% 0% 0% 3.184 0% 36318 +0.3% 25261 -0.3%
2.2.5 132 0% -0.7% 0% 0% 3.184 0% 36140 -0.5% 25354 +0.4%
2.3.0 137 +3.8% +11% 0% +4.3% 3.184 0% 39932 +10% 25376 +0%
2.4.5 139 +1.5% +0.6% 0% +1.5% 3.184 0% 40081 +0.4% 25947 +2.3%
-b25 -m2f -p (-p -m2f)
2.0.0 115 210 18 258 2 3.224 22295 22687
2.1.5 120 +4.3% +9.0% 0% +5.0% 3.224 0% 24337 +9.2% 22940 +1.1%
2.2.0 120 0% -0.9% 0% 0% 3.224 0% 24083 -1.0% 23154 +0.9%
2.2.5 121 +0.8% +0.4% 0% +0.4% 3.224 0% 24210 +0.5% 23146 -0%
2.3.0 124 +2.5% +6.1% 0% +2.9% 3.224 0% 25628 +5.9% 23277 +0.6%
2.4.5 126 +1.6% -0.4% 0% +1.1% 3.224 0% 25571 -0.2% 23756 +2.1%
-b25 -m3 -p (-p -m3, -p -m3 -b26)
1.0.3 122 189 23 206 3 3.344 13314 19574
2.0.0 119 -2.5% -2.6% -4.3% 0% 3.332 -0.4% 13538 +1.7% 19773 +1.0%
2.1.5 123 +3.4% +5.4% +4.5% +4.4% 3.332 0% 14229 +5.1% 20301 +2.7%
2.2.0 124 +0.8% +0.5% 0% 0% 3.333 +0% 14268 +0.3% 20211 -0.4%
2.2.5 125 +0.8% +0.5% 0% +0.9% 3.333 0% 14348 +0.6% 20539 +1.6%
2.3.0 127 +1.6% +3.1% 0% +1.8% 3.333 0% 14820 +3.3% 20543 +0%
2.4.5 135 +6.3% +0.5% +17% +5.9% 3.333 0% 14886 +0.4% 23422 +14%
-b25 -m3 -pl
2.2.5 154 240 29 241 5 3.376 15255 21998
2.3.0 157 +1.9% +4.2% 0% +2.5% 3.376 0% 15858 +4.0% 21953 -0.2%
2.4.5 164 +4.5% 0% +10% +4.0% 3.376 0% 15894 +0.2% 24322 +11%
-b25 -m3 -psrl
2.2.5 170 236 39 209 7 3.489 10548 20958
2.3.0 173 +1.8% +2.1% 0% +1.4% + 3.489 0% 10789 +2.3% 20997 +0.2%
2.4.5 178 +2.9% 0% +10% +3.3% 3.489 0% 10779 -0% 23060 +9.8%
-b25 -m3f -p (-p -m3f)
2.2.0 133 201 26 251 3 3.298 16482 26141
2.2.5 134 +0.8% 0% +3.8% +0.4% 3.298 0% 16525 +0.3% 26399 +1.0%
2.3.0 137 +2.2% +4.0% 0% +2.4% 3.298 0% 17176 +3.9% 26442 +0.2%
2.4.5 147 +7.3% 0% +19% +7.0% 3.298 0% 17202 +0.2% 31542 +19%
2.0.0 151 233 29 229 5 3.393 14014 21016
2.1.5 159 +5.3% +6.4% +3.4% +5.2% 3.393 0% 14899 +6.3% 21835 +3.9%
2.2.0 152 -4.4% -3.6% -6.7% -0.8% - 3.376 -0.5% 15212 +2.1% 21525 -1.4%
-m3 -b26
1.0.3 183 274 37 219 8 3.502 11801 19010
-p -m0f -R
2.1.5 111 242 15 326 1 3.120 37480 27577
-p -m0f -r
2.2.0 111 241 15 326 1 3.120 37324 27700
-p -m1 -b26
1.0.3 112 235 15 244 2 3.237 23867 18759
-p -m2 -b26
1.0.3 107 199 16 214 2 3.272 17873 17630
-pt -m1 -b110
1.0.3 39 89 5 77 0 3.284 7735 5364
-pt -m2 -b110
1.0.3 42 87 5 73 1 3.332 6396 5163
-t -m3 -b110
1.0.3 88 143 15 88 5 3.590 4777 6239

Version info

1.0.3, tar: yes, mode: 64-bit, crc32: 7e6a9752, decoder: 205 kB, tested: 2010 Apr 17
compression: bsc.exe e <src> <cfile> <args>
decompression: bsc.exe d <cfile> <src> -t
2.0.0, tar: yes, mode: 64-bit, crc32: 17944381, decoder: 215 kB, tested: 2010 May 03
compression: bsc.exe e <src> <cfile> <args>
decompression: bsc.exe d <cfile> <src> -t
2.1.5, tar: yes, mode: 64-bit, crc32: 15db66f0, decoder: 216 kB, tested: 2010 Jun 02
compression: bsc.exe e <src> <cfile> <args>
decompression: bsc.exe d <cfile> <src> -t
2.2.0, tar: yes, mode: 64-bit, crc32: 25a1502, decoder: 87 kB, tested: 2010 Jun 19
compression: bsc.exe e <src> <cfile> <args>
decompression: bsc.exe d <cfile> <src> -t
2.2.5, tar: yes, mode: 64-bit, crc32: d65f727f, decoder: 89 kB, tested: 2010 Jul 10
compression: bsc.exe e <src> <cfile> <args>
decompression: bsc.exe d <cfile> <src>
2.3.0, tar: yes, mode: 64-bit, crc32: 8071c4cf, decoder: 89 kB, tested: 2010 Aug 30
compression: bsc.exe e <src> <cfile> <args>
decompression: bsc.exe d <cfile> <src>
2.4.5, tar: yes, mode: 64-bit, crc32: d0972627, decoder: 89 kB, tested: 2011 Jan 08
compression: bsc.exe e <src> <cfile> <args>
decompression: bsc.exe d <cfile> <src>
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