Versions tested: 1.0
Optimal parameters: -
Authors: Uwe Herklotz
Algorithms: BWT+MTF/WFC
Notable peformances: -


Quotes from the program documentation:

UHBC is a blocksorting compressor optimized for high compression ratios. The current version is still in an experimental state, but because the results are close to the world's best, I decided to release this program as public BETA version. It is still under development, so you use this program at your own risk. UHBC doesn't use any data filters or transformations before BWT.

UHBC is a file-to-file-compressor, not an archiver. So it doesn't store name, time/date or attributes of the original file. There is no check for existing files and there is also no file verification after decompression.


the program documentation


The compressor is featured in the BWT comparison.

(Have info that should be added here? E-mail.)

Disqualified. Not a native win32 executable

Disqualified (why) configurations (with qualification ratings)
Ver Rating CPR DPR S.E. R.E. Ratio C. kB/s D. kB/s
1.0 - (q1, q2)
-b64m -m0
1.0 - (q1, q2)
-b64m -m1
1.0 - (q1, q2)
-b64m -m3
1.0 - (q1, q2)

Version info

1.0, tar: yes, mode: n/a, crc32: n/a, decoder: n/a, tested: 2009 Mar 07
compression: uhbc.exe e <src> <cfile> <args>
decompression: uhbc.exe d <cfile> <src>
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