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Text1 - Results for custom protocol (the first 50 entries)
Program Ver Arg Protocol time Size CT DT
nanozip 0.09a -m.5g -cO -p2 171.83 21 355 729 5.72 3.19
nanozip 0.09a -m.5g -co 172.82 21 725 991 4.55 2.53
nanozip 0.09a -m.5g -cO 173.99 21 012 388 8.36 5.33
nanozip 0.08a -m.5g -co 174.61 21 019 122 8.67 5.58
nanozip 0.08a -m.5g -cO 174.61 21 019 122 8.69 5.56
bsc 2.4.5 -b25 -m3f -p 187.61 23 068 231 8.33 3.30
bsc 2.4.5 -b25 -m3 -p 188.14 22 933 786 9.06 4.12
bsc 2.4.5 -b25 -m3 -pl 188.45 22 931 490 9.28 4.23
bsc 2.3.0 -b25 -m3f -p 189.01 23 068 231 8.31 4.72
bsc 2.2.0 -p -m3f 189.06 23 067 114 8.39 4.69
bsc 2.2.5 -b25 -m3f -p 189.09 23 068 231 8.41 4.70
nanozip 0.07a -m.5g -co 189.43 21 201 317 14.61 13.08
bsc 2.4.5 -b25 -m3 -psrl 189.50 22 931 490 10.28 4.28
bsc 2.3.0 -b25 -m3 -p 189.56 22 933 786 9.05 5.55
bsc 2.2.5 -b25 -m3 -p 189.63 22 933 786 9.16 5.51
bsc 2.4.5 -b110t -m3f -p 189.64 22 280 122 15.64 4.02
bsc 2.2.0 -p -m3 189.71 22 932 669 9.19 5.56
bsc 2.3.0 -b25 -m3 -pl 189.93 22 931 490 9.30 5.69
bsc 2.2.5 -b25 -m3 -pl 189.96 22 931 490 9.36 5.66
bsc 2.2.0 -m3 190.10 22 930 373 9.47 5.69
bsc 2.4.5 -b25 -m2f -p 190.11 23 957 867 2.19 5.14
bsc 2.2.0 -p -m2f 190.16 23 956 750 2.23 5.17
bsc 2.3.0 -b25 -m2f -p 190.17 23 957 867 2.20 5.19
bsc 2.4.5 -b110t -m3 -p 190.22 22 145 657 16.42 4.86
bsc 2.2.5 -b25 -m2f -p 190.22 23 957 867 2.28 5.16
bsc 2.0.0 -p -m3 190.71 23 063 544 9.20 5.55
bsc 2.1.5 -p -m3 190.72 23 063 886 9.20 5.56
bsc 2.3.0 -b110t -m3f -p 190.74 22 280 122 15.67 5.09
bsc 2.2.5 -b110t -m3f -p 190.84 22 280 122 15.72 5.14
bsc 2.2.0 -b110t -p -m3f 190.94 22 279 005 15.86 5.12
bsc 2.3.0 -b25 -m3 -psrl 190.96 22 931 490 10.33 5.69
bsc 1.0.3 -p -m3 -b26 190.96 23 047 942 9.39 5.73
bsc 2.2.5 -b25 -m3 -psrl 190.98 22 931 490 10.42 5.62
bsc 2.0.0 -m3 191.08 23 061 083 9.48 5.66
bsc 2.1.5 -m3 191.13 23 061 425 9.47 5.72
bsc 2.1.5 -p -m2f 191.18 24 088 151 2.23 5.19
bsc 2.0.0 -p -m2f 191.19 24 087 809 2.27 5.16
bsc 2.4.5 -b110t -m3 -pl 191.31 22 143 235 17.16 5.23
bsc 2.2.5 -b110t -m3 -p 191.40 22 145 657 16.52 5.94
bsc 2.3.0 -b110t -m3 -p 191.41 22 145 657 16.44 6.03
bsc 2.2.0 -b110t -p -m3 191.66 22 144 540 16.67 6.05
bsc 1.0.3 -p -m2 -b26 191.94 23 935 033 3.23 6.11
bsc 2.4.5 -b110t -m3 -psrl 192.34 22 143 235 18.17 5.25
bsc 2.2.5 -b110t -m3 -pl 192.42 22 143 235 17.20 6.30
bsc 2.3.0 -b110t -m3 -pl 192.45 22 143 235 17.17 6.36
bsc 1.0.3 -m3 -b26 192.62 23 045 494 10.91 5.89
bsc 2.2.0 -b110t -m3 192.73 22 142 118 17.42 6.39
bsc 2.3.0 -b110t -m3 -psrl 193.47 22 143 235 18.19 6.36
bsc 2.2.5 -b110t -m3 -psrl 193.47 22 143 235 18.25 6.30
rings 1.6 8 193.63 22 704 675 8.80 11.61


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